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Nestlings (2 to 3 year olds)

In Nestlings the children are able to flow freely around the room, with resources at child level to promote independence and choice within play. They are also able to learn through play alongside their peers. 


The room includes creative and messy play, role play areas, a quiet book area and a construction/small world area. 


Throughout the nursery day, the team loves to get out and explore the outdoors, which includes wither our patio area or Endcliffe Park to explore the local community and its wildlife. 


The room is converted into a 'sleep room' where each child has a matt with their own individual bedding. The lights are turned off and the sleep music is played, enabling the children to be well rested. 


We understand at this age a lot of children are starting to be introduced to potty training. All staff are well trained and have extensive experience at this. Please speak to your child's key worker about this developmental stage. 


The children are offered breakfast in the morning as well as an AM/PM snack which is sometimes taken outdoors, depending on the daily routine. They also have lunch which is provided by our outside catering company. 


Each day will be filled with enjoyment, laughter and learning, but most importantly, fun! Every child will embark upon a personal journey, consisting of lots of large group interactions and play, as well as special time with their key worker. We welcome and encourage the input of parents and carers into this journey.


Additionally, we’re delighted to be able to offer Forest School sessions to our 2-3 year olds. Children get to spend their days outdoors, playing in the local park and engaging with many activities alongside their peers, such as den building. Please speak to management if you are interested in Forest School and more information can be provided.

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