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Fledglings (3-5 year olds)

Like all the rooms within our nursery, Fledglings focuses on a child-led learning experience. We are very lucky to have such a large open space, filled with age appropriate activities for the children to explore at their own pace. 


The room is important for getting each child 'school ready' so we incorporate more integrated and adult-led learning.


During the day, as well as playing inside, the Fledglings team love to get out and explore the outdoors. This could be in our outdoor area where the children play ring games or use the play equipment, or to the park to explore and do fun activities such as scavenger hunts, nature sketching and much more. 


The children are offered breakfast in the morning as well as an AM/PM snack, followed by lunch provided by our outside catering company.


If your child still needs a nap at this age, we are of course able to accommodate this. We also understand at this age a lot of children are now toilet trained or are starting to begin their journey. Our staff are well experienced in this development stage and are able to implement different methods to help support your child. 


Forest school is a great opportunity which we are able to offer to our preschool children. This allows them to spend their days outdoors in the local park, learning about the community and wildlife and engaging in many activities such as den building. Please speak to management if you are interested in Forest School. 


Each day will be filled with enjoyment, laughter and learning, but most importantly fun. Your child will embark upon a personal journey which consists of lots of large group interactions as well as adult-led interaction. 


Please note - children in this room are eligible for funding.

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